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EPA United was created and is administered by erotic professionals with backgrounds in sex workers’ rights advocacy, direct community service provision, and cause marketing.

EPA United is an informal coalition of sex workers, organizations, erotic professionals, and businesses who support the rights and welfare of erotic professionals and our communities. This coalition shares resources for EPA United in the form of volunteered labor, thought partnership, and collective promotion of the project.

For more information on organizations and allies contributing to this project, please see our About page.

EPA United is non-partisan. We do not tell people who to vote for.

EPA United is a new initiative that is currently focused on mobilizing voters who care about erotic professionals and the adult industry.

EPA United currently does not have any policy stances.

EPA United recognizes that erotic professionals, their fans, friends and allies are not a monolith. People in and connected to the adult industry possess a wide range of worldviews and political perspectives.

Your privacy and awareness of data collection is important to us.

Below are summaries of how data is collected and used on this site, and a more detailed explanation (as well as tips for protecting your privacy) can be found on our Privacy page.

This website uses Google Analytics, which may gather data such as your IP address and devices you are using to browse. Google Analytics may also place cookies on your browser or read existing cookies. Read their policies on data collection here.

This website is hosted on Mojo Host. Similar to Google Analytics, Mojo Host may gather data on your IP address, the devices you use to browse, and pages on that you visit. 

The civic engagement tools we use to help people check their voter status, register to vote, request an absentee ballot and pledge to vote are hosted by Rock the Vote

Please see our Privacy page for information on how Rock the Vote gathers data, and how to opt out of third-party data sharing.

There are numerous ways to get involved in EPA United or support our efforts:

– Use the Rock the Vote tools to help us demonstrate our power in numbers. Contact us if you’d like to discuss using our Rock the Vote tools with your own advocacy initiatives. 

Sign up for EPA United’s mailing list to get news and updates

Follow @EPAUnited on X, Instagram and YouTube and share voter mobilization posts. Please get in touch if you would like to receive our Media Kit with graphics and brand guidelines.

Create a video for social media encouraging people to go to and VOTE! (Guidelines are available by emailing

EPA United is contributed to by allied organizations and individuals. Participating orgs may contribute pro-bono labor, social media engagement, resources, or information beneficial to EPA United’s voter mobilization effort.

If you represent an organization or are an independent ally and would like to discuss joining our growing list of participants, submit your interest here and we’ll be in touch!

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